20th International Worild Wide Web conference, 2011

Mobile Topigraphy: Large-scale tag cloud visualization for mobiles

No. pp0245 in WWW2011 conference. T. Matsubayashi, and K. Ishiguro

  Unfortunately, We have to cancel participating the WWW conference because of the huge earthquake in Japan.
  As you know, everything is unusual in Japan. It interferes with every aspect of life including our business and research activities. We really wish we could join the conference, present our results and discuss next generation web techniques. However, it is difficult to do so in the middle of this situation.
  Instead, we would like to contribute a "virtual poster" on the web. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail to T. Matsubayashi or use Twitter via following button.

1. abstract

2. Introduction

3. Topigraphy

4. Mobile Topigraphy

5. Experimental applications

6. Conclusion

(c) Tatsushi Matsubayashi