Japanese / English
Tatsuo OWADA

From October 1999, I am belonged to
Evolutionary Systems Research Group
Social Communication Laboratory
NTT Communication Science Laboratories

I was belonged to
NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
(‘92-’97 project staff, ‘97-’99 operation staff)
my personal history is here

Recent interest and theme for research.
(now planning)
-Relation between connected intelligence and personal intelligence
-How do we make archives about social information (stock and flow)? And how do we bury personal information into the public?
-Relation about the evolution of social information and economics of networking as a public property.
e-mail owada@cslab.kecl.ntt.co.jp
tel +81-774-5211
fax +81-774-5245
car citroen 2cv (from 1990, 50,000km)
photo My favorite photographer is Ken DOMON, I am looking forward to take and walk around nara temples.
music I love brass sound. Bruckner, Wagner are my favorite composer. I often go to hear Takashi Asahina's concert. regarding Jazz, I like Makoto OZONE's piano play.

back to Evolustionary System Sesearch Group
Social Communication Laboratory
NTT Communication Science Laboratories