Ken Mano
Current Position:
Senior Researcher
Research Interest:
Term rewriting systems, process algebras, formal methods, security.
1987.3 B.E. in Applied Physics from Nagoya Univ.
1989.3 M.E. in Information Engineering from Nagota Univ.
1989.4 Joined NTT, researcher at Basic Research Labs.
1991.7 Joined Communication Science Labs.
Society Membership:
The Institute of Electrics, Information and Communication Engineers
Informatio Processing Society of Japan
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology
The Information Network Law Association Japan
- Mano, K. and Ogawa, M. (NTT Basic Research Labs.):
A new proof of Chew's theorem, Proc. of RIMS workshop on theory
of rewriting systems and its applications, research report
918, RIMS, Kyoyo Univ., pp. 160-177 (1996).
- Horita, E. and Mano, K.:
Nepi: a network prgramming language based on the pi-calculus,
in Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Coodination
Models, Languages and Application (Coodination'96), LNCS 1061,
pp. 424-427 (1996).
- Horita, E. and Mano, K.:
A metric semantics for the pi-calculus extended with external
events, Proc. of RIMS Workshop in Computing: Concurrency Theory
and Appllcations, research report 996, RIMS, Kyoto Univ. (1996).
- Horita, E. and Mano, K.:
Self-interpretation in an extension of CCS with parametric channels,
Proc. of Joint Sympisium on Parallel Processing 1996 (JSPP'96),
pp. 203-210 (1996).
- Horita, E. and Mano, K.:
Self-interpretation in an extension of CCS with parametric channels,
Proc. of the 12th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of
Programming Semantics (MFPS XII) (1996).
- Mano, K. and Ogawa, M. (NTT Basic Research Labs.):
Unique normal form property of higher-order rewriting systems,
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Algebraic and Logic
Programming (ALP'96), LNCS 1139, pp. 269-283 (1996).
- Mano, K. and Ogawa, M. (NTT Basic Research Labs.):
Unique normal form property of higher-order rewriting systems,
IEICE Trans. D-I, Vol. J80-D-I, pp. 258-268 (1997). In Japanese.
- Horita, E. (NTT Software Labs.) and Mano, K.:
Nepi^2: a two-level calculus for network programming based
on the pi-calculus, Proc. of the 3rd Asian Computing Science
Conference (ASIAN'97), LNCS 1345, pp. 377-378 (1997).
- Horita, E. (NTT Software Labs.) and Mano, K.:
The Nepi2 programming System: A pi-Calculus Based Approach to
Agent-Based Programming, the first Goddard Workshop on Formal
Approaches to Agent Based Programming (FAABS '00), pp. 90-102,
LNAI 1871 (2000).
- T. Araragi, P. Attie, I. Keidar, K. Kogure, V. Luchangco, N. Lynch, and K. Mano:
On Formal Modeling of Agent Computations, the first Goddard
Workshop on Formal Approaches to Agent Based Programming
(FAABS '00), pp. 48-62, LNAI 1871 (2000).
- K. Mano and Y. Kawabe:
Nepi: Syntax, Semantics and Implementation, World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 2001
(SCI 2001), Volume XIV, (2001).
- Y. Kawabe and K. Mano:
Executing Coded pi-Calculus Processes, the second
International Conference on Software Engineering, Networking &
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD '01) (2001).
- Mano, K. and Ogawa, M. (NTT Basic Research Labs.):
Unique normal form property of compatible term rewriting systems
- A new proof of Chew's theorem -, Theoretical Computer Science,
Vol.258 (2001).
- Y. Kawabe, K. Mano, E. Horita, K. Kogure
Name creation implements restriction in the pi-calculus, IEICE Volume J85-DI,
No. 3 (2002). In Japanese.
- Y. Kawabe, K. Mano:
Formal verification of Nepi network programming system, Computer Software
Vol. 20, pp. 46-57 (2003). In Japanese.
- K. Mano and Y. Kawabe:
The Nepi network programming system: a programming environment
for distributed systems, 3rd IEEE international symposium on
network computing and application (IEEE NCA04), pp. 287-292
- Y. Kawabe, K. Mano:
Verifying trace equevalence of a shared-memory-style communication system,
Trans. IEICE, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 78-91 (2005).
- A. Mizuno, K. Mano, Y. Kawabe, H. Kuwabara, S. Yuen, K. Agusa:
Name-passing style GUI programming in a pi-calculus-based network language Nepi,
The 6th AMAST workshop on Real-Time Systems (ARTS 2004), ENTCS, Vol. 139, No. 1, pp. 14--168 (2005).
- Y. Kawabe, K. Mano, H. Sakurada and Y. Tsukada:
ackward simulations for anonymity,
6th International IFIP WG 1.7 Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS '06), pp. 206-220 (2006).
- Y. Kawamoto, K. Mano, H. Sakurada, M. Hagiya:
Partial Knowledge of Functions and Verification of Anonymity, Transaction of
JSIAM Vol. 17, No.4, pp. 559-576 (2007).
- Y. Kawabe, K. Mano, H. Sakurada and Y. Tsukada:
Theorem-proving anonymity of infinite state systems, Information
Processing Letters, Vol. 101, No. 1, pp. 46-51 (2007).
- Ken Mano, Yoshinobu Kawabe, Hideki Sakurada and Yasuyuki Tsukada:
Role interchange for anonymity and privacy of voting,
Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1251-1288 (2010).
- Ken Mano:
Usage of formal method for analysis of definition of privacy violation -Focusing on identifiability issue-
Information Network Law Review, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 54-66 (2010). In Japanese.
- Ken Mano:
Mathematical Duality between Anonymity and Privacy and Its Application to Law
NTT Technical Review, Vol. 9, No. 11 (2011).
- Yasuyuki Tsukada, Ken Mano, Hideki Sakurada and Yoshinobu Kawabe:
Anonymity, Privacy, Onymity, and Identity: A Modal Logic Approach,
Transactions on Data Privacy, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 177-198 (2010).
- Kawabe, K. Mano, H. Sakurada and Y. Tsukada:
Theorem-proving receipt-freeness of an e-voting protocol
IPSJ Transactions, Vol. 52, No. 9, pp. 2549-2561 (2011). In Japanese.
- Izumi Takeuti, Ken Mano:
A proof of secrecy by probabilistic modal logic
Transaction of JSIAM, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 23-45 (2012). In Japanese.
- Yasuyuki Tsukada, Ken Mano, Hideki Sakurada and Yoshinobu Kawabe:
Anonymity privacy, onymity, and identity: A modal logic approach,
The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT-09), pp. 42-51, (2009).
- Yasuyuki Tsukada, Ken Mano, Hideki Sakurada and Yoshinobu Kawabe:
An epistemic approach to compositional reasoning about anonymity and privacy,
The 14th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2013), pp. 239-248 (2013).
- Ken Mano, Kazuhiro Minami and Hiroshi Maruyama:
Protecting location privacy with K-confusing paths based on dynamic pseudonyms,
The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Security and Social Networking (SESOC 2013), pp. 285-290 (2013).
- Ken Mano, Kazuhiro Minami and Hiroshi Maruyama:
Privacy-preserving publishing of pseudonym-based trajectory location data set,
The 2nd International Workshop on Security of Mobile Applications (IWSMA 2013) , to appear (2013).