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Research Talk

What is the lucid awareness in the mindfulness meditation?
Investigation of the physiological, psychological, and neural mechanisms of mindfulness meditation
Masahiro Fujino
Sensory Resonance Research Group, Human Information Science Laboratory


Mindfulness meditation for achieving lucid awareness, which is the awareness of the experience of the present moment as it is without reaction, judgment, or inhibition, has been shown to improve well-being. In this talk, we will consider what this “lucid awareness” means from the perspective of physiological, psychological, and neural mechanisms. Specifically, we divide mindfulness meditation into focused attention and open monitoring meditation and introduce research that examines the effects of open monitoring meditation, which is thought to be related to “lucid awareness”, on autonomic activity, hormone secretion, attentional control processes, and brain activity.

Masahiro Fujino
Masahiro Fujino
Sensory Resonance Research Group, Human Information Science Laboratory