Hiroki Terashima, PhD (寺島 裕貴)

Sensory Resonance Research Group, Human Information Science Laboratory,
NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan

Research Interest

Computational neuroscience, in particular for efficient sensory processing.

While advanced techniques have enabled us to observe a lot of neural activities, understanding the obtained data is still quite preliminary. How can we interpret them? Are there any underlying coding principles?

Recent studies on the primate visual system have been suggesting that the neural system's coding scheme nearly optimally adapts, both innately and in learning process, to natural stimuli or environment. I am interested in to what extent the hypothesis can be applied to, or is general across, various neural systems. Here are some of the current topics:


Feel free to request a copy of any paper in this list.

Refereed papers

Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya, Toshiki Tani, Noritaka Ichinohe, Masato Okada (2013)
Sparse coding of harmonic vocalization in monkey auditory cortex
Neurocomputing 103: 14-21.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
The topographic unsupervised learning of natural sounds in the auditory cortex
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25: 2321-2329.
Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya (2009)
Sparse codes of harmonic natural sounds and their modulatory interactions
Network: Computation in Neural Systems 20(4): 253-267.

Refereed conferences/workshops

Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
The topographic unsupervised learning of natural sounds in the auditory cortex
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25: 2321-2329.
Th88, Neural Information Processing System 2012 (NIPS 2012), Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, 3-6 December 2012.
Poster. [PDF]
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
Both ordered retinotopy and disordered tonotopy emerge from natural stimulus statistics
Sensory Coding & Natural Environment 2012, Klosterneuburg, Austria, 9-12 September 2012.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
A computational model of the disordered tonotopy in A1
The 4th international conference on Auditory Cortex, Lausanne, Switzerland, 31 August - 3 September 2012.
Poster. [Abstract]
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
V1 and A1 maps: different topographies, a common organizing principle
Cosyne Abstracts 2012 II-73.
The 9th Computational and Systems Neuroscience meeting (Cosyne) 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 23-26 February 2012.
Poster. [Abstract]
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2011)
Modelling disordered A1 map and ordered V1 map
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2011), 110-111, P2-32, Okinawa, Japan, 15-17 December 2011.
Received the Student Travel Support and the JNNS Young Presenter Award.
Poster. [Paper PDF]
Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya (2010)
Sparse codes of harmonic sound and their interaction explain harmony-related response of auditory cortex
BMC Neuroscience 11(Suppl 1): O19.
19th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2010), O19, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 24-30 July 2010.
Received the Student Travel Award, and selected for the Contributed Oral presentation.
Oral. [doi:10.1186/1471-2202-11-S1-O19]
Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya (2009)
Sparse codes of harmonic sounds and their modulatory interactions
Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2009), 152-153, Sendai, Japan, 24-26 September 2009.
Poster. [Paper PDF] (in Japanese)

Unrefereed conferences/workshops

Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2015)
A Computational Model for the Disorganized Tonotopy and Pitch Cells of the Auditory Cortex: Analogy With the Visual Cortex
38th Annual MidWinter Meeting of Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, USA, 21-25 February, 2015.
寺島裕貴 (2015)
玉川大学脳科学研究所若手の会第101回談話会, Tamagawa University, Tokyo, 16 January, 2015.
Invited talk.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2015)
Computational principles of the neocortex and Linguistic universals: An structural analogy
The 15th Winter Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind, Rusutsu, Hokkaido, Japan, 7-9 January, 2015.
寺島裕貴, 岡田真人 (2014)
包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク平成26年度冬のシンポジウム, 東京ガーデンパレス, 東京, 12月11-13日, 2014.
寺島裕貴 (2014)
第7回関東「音楽と脳」勉強会, 電気通信大学, 東京, 11月21日, 2014.
寺島裕貴 (2014)
脳科学若手の会第14回談話会「キャリアパスセミナー」, 東京大学, 10月19日, 2014.
Hiroki Terashima (2014)
Dialogue between neuroscience and statistics 4, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 17-19 March, 2014.
Hiroki Terashima (2014)
立命館大学視覚科学統合研究センターシンポジウム「視覚情報処理の新展開―局所回路から認知へ」 , Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan, 13-14 March, 2014.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2014)
Comparative computational modelling for neocortical areas: a case of V1 and A1
The 14th Winter Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind, Rusutsu, Hokkaido, Japan, 8-10 January, 2014.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2013)
A unified model for the visual and auditory cortices
The 10th IEEE Tokyo Young Researchers Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 December, 2013.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2013)
Pitch cells as a computational analogue to complex cells of visual cortex
The 18th Auditory Research Forum (ARF2013), Kitakomatsu, Shiga, Japan, 14-15 December, 2013.
Hiroki Terashima (2013)
Auditory Pitch Cells Can Emerge from Natural Sound Statistics: An Analogy with Visual Complex Cells
StatPhysHK Conference, HKUST, Hong Kong, 17-19 July, 2013.
Hiroki Terashima (2013)
Using a V1 model to model A1: Emergence of maps and "complex cells" from natural sound statistics
Modeling Neural Activity: Statistics, Dynamical Systems, and Networks (MONA), Linue, Hawaii, USA, 26-28 June, 2013.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2013)
A possible analogy between complex cells in visual cortex and pitch cells in auditory cortex
Neuro2013, O3-9-5-2, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan, 20-23 June, 2013.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2013)
A computational discussion on "complex cells" of the auditory cortex
The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2013), 3H3-OS-05b-7in, Toyama, Japan, 4-7 June, 2013.
Oral and poster. [Paper PDF] (in Japanese)
Received the JSAI Annual Conference Student Incentive Award.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2013)
IPSJ SIGMUS 99 (Sound Symposium), Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, 11-12 May, 2013.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2013)
On naturalness of natural sounds and ``complex cells'' of auditory cortex
The 13th Winter Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind, Hokkaido, Japan, 9-11 January, 2013.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
A computational account for the disordered tonotopy and the pitch selectivity of A1
Proceedings of the Auditory Research Meeting, The Acoustical Society of Japan 42(8): 689-693, H-2012-125.
Auditory Research Meeting, The Acoustical Society of Japan, Toyohashi, Japan, 22-23 November, 2012.
Oral. (in Japanese)
Hiroki Terashima (2012)
On the relationship between natural sound statistics and the auditory cortex: tonotopic map and pitch selectivity
Workshop on statistical aspects of neural coding, Kyoto, Japan, 1-2 November 2012.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
Understanding disordered topography of auditory cortex through natural sound statistics
The 10th International Neural Coding Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-7 September 2012.
Hiroki Terashima (2012)
Integrative computational modelling of visual and auditory cortices by adaptive coding of natural stimuli
The 10th workshop of Special Research Committee on Embodiment Cognitive Science and Real World Application (ECSRA), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 6-7 August, 2012.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
A1 as a computational analogue of V1: topography & pitch-selectivity
The 13th Summer Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind, Sendai, Japan, 26 July, 2012.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2012)
A common rule underlying different map structures of visual and auditory cortices
The 67th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, 25aAG-3, Kobe, Japan, 24-27 February, 2012.
Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya, Toshiki Tani, Noritaka Ichinohe, Masato Okada (2012)
Marmoset A1 “harmony neurons” explained by sparse coding of conspecific vocalization
The 12th Winter Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind, Hokkaido, Japan, 16-18 January, 2012.
Hiroki Terashima (2011)
Relationships between sparse representation of natural sound and auditory cortex
Dialogue between neuroscience and statistics 2, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 26-27 December, 2011.
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2011)
A possible source of map disorder in primary auditory cortex: Statistics of natural auditory stimuli
Program No. 622.26, 2011 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA, 2011.
Poster. [Online Abstract]
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2011)
Similarity and dissimilarity of auditory cortex and visual cortex about adapting to natural stimuli
Proceedings of the Auditory Research Meeting, The Acoustical Society of Japan 41(7): H-2011-94.
Auditory Research Meeting, The Acoustical Society of Japan, Toyama, Japan, 1-2 October, 2011.
Poster (in Japanese)
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2011)
Why is the A1 map more disordered than the V1 map?
The 12th Summer Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind, Kobe, Japan, 21-22 August, 2011.
Poster (in Japanese)
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2011)
An integrated interpretation of adaptive maps in visual and auditory cortices
The 25th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2011), Morioka, Iwate, Japan, 1-3 June, 2011.
Received the JSAI Annual Conference Award.
Oral and poster. [Paper PDF] (in Japanese)
Hiroki Terashima, Masato Okada (2011)
A link between smoothness of tonotopic map and statistics of auditory stimuli
IEICE Technical Report. Neurocomputing 110(461): 325-330, NC2010-182.
Oral (in Japanese)
Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya (2009)
Harmonic relations in modulatory peaks of auditory neurons emerge from a frequency-domain sparse code of harmonic sounds
IEICE Technical Report. Neurocomputing 108(480): 147-152, NC2008-128.
Oral (in Japanese)


Hiroki Terashima (2014)
Sparse Modelling for Image and Sound Processing of the Neocortex
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 68(12): 897-901.
[PDF] (review in Japanese)
Hiroki Terashima (2011)
A report of the 12th Summer Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind (1)
The Brain & Neural Networks 18(4): 224-225.
[doi:10.3902/jnns.18.224] (in Japanese)
Hiroki Terashima (2010)
A report of ASCONE2009
The Brain & Neural Networks 17(1): 48-49.
[doi:10.3902/jnns.17.48] (in Japanese)


Hiroki Terashima (2014)
Computational Model for Auditory Cortex: An Analogy to Visual Cortex
PhD Thesis, Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan. March 2014.
Hiroki Terashima (2011)
Relationships between characteristics of primary auditory cortex and statistics of natural auditory stimuli: A comparison to primary visual cortex
Master Thesis, Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan. March 2011.
Hiroki Terashima (2009)
Harmonically related modulation peaks of auditory neurons emerge from a frequency-domain sparse code of harmonic sounds
Senior Thesis, Department of Information Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan. March 2009.


JSAI Annual Conference Student Incentive Award
27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2013), Toyama, Japan, 6 June, 2013.
Outstanding Poster Award
Tohoku Winter School for Neuroscience, Miyagi, Japan, February, 2012.
JNNS Young Presenter Award
21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2011), Okinawa, Japan, December, 2011.
JSAI Annual Conference Award
25th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2011), Morioka, Japan, June, 2011.
SNSS2011 Data Analysis Challenge Award
Systems Neurobiology Spring School 2011 (SNSS2011), Kyoto, Japan, March, 2011.
Organization for Computational Neuroscience Student Travel Award
19th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2010), San Antonio, Texas, USA, July, 2010.

Scientific Education

Apr 2003 - Mar 2007
College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Absent while visiting the University of Edinburgh.
Sep 2003 - Jun 2004
Visiting student at Department of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Apr 2007 - Mar 2009
Department of Information Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Hosoya Laboratory.
BSc in Information Science. (Mar 2009)
Apr 2009 - Mar 2014
Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Okada Laboratory.
MSc (Mar 2011)
PhD (Mar 2014)


terashima.hiroki at lab dot ntt.co.jp
3-1 Morinosato-wakamiya, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan

Top-left background image is my kamon, the family symbol in Japan. Bottom-right background image of Master (仙人 "Sen-nin" in Japanese, my nickname in the univ lab) is an artwork by MASHIO Kairi, who is an honoured graduate school lab alumnus and a painter.

Copyright © 2009-2016 TERASHIMA Hiroki (寺島裕貴). All rights reserved.