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澤田 宏

my face NTT コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所

研究テーマ Research Interests

Statistical signal processing, Audio source separation, Array signal processing, Machine learning, Latent variable model, Graph-based data structure, Computer architecture

発表文献 Publications

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学会/教育活動 Academic Activities

      Full list including past activities

Blind source separation (BSS) Sound Demonstrations


1991年,京都大学工学部情報工学科卒業. 1993年,同工学研究科情報工学専攻修士課程修了. 2001年,京都大学博士(情報学). 1993年,日本電信電話株式会社(NTT)入社. 以来,同社コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所およびサービスエボリューション研究所において,VLSI設計技術および計算機アーキテクチャ,信号処理技術(音響信号の分離技術),機械学習技術(多次元データ分析技術)の研究に従事. 現在,NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 協創情報研究部 上席特別研究員. IEEE Fellow,電子情報通信学会フェロー,日本音響学会会員.


Hiroshi Sawada received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in information science from Kyoto University, in 1991, 1993 and 2001, respectively. He joined NTT Corporation in 1993. He is now a senior distinguished researcher at the NTT Communication Science Laboratories. His research interests include statistical signal processing, audio source separation, array signal processing, latent variable models, second-order optimization, and computer architecture. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing from 2006 to 2009, and as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing from 2019 to 2022. He was a Member and an Associate Member of the Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE SP Society from 2006 to 2018. He received the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Circuit and System Society in 2000, and the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2014. He is a 2022 Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He is an IEEE Fellow, an IEICE Fellow, and a member of the ASJ.