Science of Machine Learning

Exhibition Program 5

Stable deep learning for time-series data

Preventing gradient explosions in gated recurrent units


We propose a method to stabilize training of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). The RNN is one of the most successful models to handle the time-series data in many applications such as speech recognition or machine translation. However, training of RNNs requires trial and error, and expertise since training of RNNs is difficult due to the gradient exploding problem. In this study, we focus on the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), which is one of the modern RNN models. We reveal the parameter point at which training of GRUs is disrupted by the gradient exploding problem and propose an algorithm to prevent the gradient from exploding. Our method can reduce time for trial and error, and does not require in-depth expertise to tune the hyper-parameters for training of GRU.



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Sekitoshi Kanai
Sekitoshi Kanai
Software Innovation Center
Yasutoshi Ida
Yasutoshi Ida
Software Innovation Center
Yu Oya
Yu Oya
Software Innovation Center
Yasuhiro Iida
Yasuhiro Iida
Software Innovation Center