A paper accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing

BYOL for Audio: Exploring Pre-trained General-purpose Audio Representations

We are pleased to announce that our paper "BYOL for Audio: Exploring Pre-trained General-purpose Audio Representations" by Daisuke Niizumi, Daiki Takeuchi, Yasunori Ohishi, Noboru Harada, and Kunio Kashino has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.

This paper proposes a self-supervised learning method: Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL) for Audio (BYOL-A, pronounced ”viola”). BYOL-A pre-trains representations of the input sound invariant to audio data augmentations, which makes the learned representations robust to the perturbations of sounds. Whereas the BYOL-A encoder combines local and global features and calculates their statistics to make the representation provide multi-aspect information. As a result, the learned representations should provide robust and multi-aspect information to serve various needs of diverse tasks. We evaluated the general audio task performance of BYOL-A compared to previous state-of-the-art methods, and BYOL-A demonstrated generalizability with the best average result of 72.4% and the best VoxCeleb1 result of 57.6%.

Yasunori Ohishi
Yasunori Ohishi
Senior Manager

My research interests include acoustic signal processing, crossmodal learning and music information retrieval.
