Download PARTHENON (pre-release) for


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This page provides PARTHENON binary packages for Solaris platforms.

1. Download

Choose and download (note#6) a package file from the table below, according to the cpu and version of your Solaris system (note#1).

CPU Solaris
file to download package
file size (in bytes) license
.gz file decompressed
2.4.1 sparc
8 parthenon-2.4.1-sparc-SunOS-5.8.gz PARthenon 4225110 14617088 Mar. 31, 2002
7 parthenon-2.4.1-sparc-SunOS-5.7.gz 4235317 14640640
2.6 parthenon-2.4.1-sparc-SunOS-5.6.gz 4262637 14880768
i386 8 parthenon-2.4.1-i386-SunOS-5.8.gz 4098109 14499328
7 parthenon-2.4.1-i386-SunOS-5.7.gz 4056631 14484480
2.6 parthenon-2.4.1-i386-SunOS-5.6.gz 4100706 14614016

Next, if you need additional cell libraries, download the optional packages files from the table below:

foundry cell cell library
file to download package
file size (in bytes)
.gz file decompressed
ALTERA altera 1.0.1 pcd-ALTERA-altera-1.0.1-SunOS-5.x.gz PCDaltera 10044 108544
GF100K 1.0 pcd-GATEFIELD-GF100K-1.0-SunOS-5.x.gz PCDgf100k 11763 101376
GF250F 1.0.1 pcd-GATEFIELD-GF250F-1.0.1-SunOS-5.x.gz PCDgf250f 12530 128512
NEC cmos9 1.0 pcd-NEC-cmos9-1.0-SunOS-5.x.gz PCDcmos9 68042 849920
XILINX lca 1.0 pcd-XILINX-lca-1.0-SunOS-5.x.gz PCDlca 9656 103936

Now you can proceed to install the package if you have downloaded the file named:

parthenon-(PARTHENON version)-(CPU)-SunOS-(SunOS version).gz

and, if you need some of the additional cell libraries, the file(s) named:

pcd-(foundry)-(cell)-(cell library version)-SunOS-5.x.gz

2. Install

Explanations below assume the case:

So please replace each of them according to your case. 
If you have set locale to other than C, some part of the messages in explanations below may be different from yours (and may be in your native language).

Before installation, you must find whether the downloaded files have been decompressed or not, according to note#6.

The above provided files are all in Solaris SVR4 package (datastream) format. You must use pkgadd(1M) to install them.

First, become super-user (note#3):

# su -
  (enter the super-user's password)

Then give the name of each file to pkgadd(1M) as its -d option.

# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d parthenon-2.4.1-sparc-SunOS-5.8

The following packages are available:
1 PARthenon PARTHENON CAD System
(i386) 2.4.1

Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:
<- simply hit "enter" key here.

Processing package instance <PARthenon> from </tmp/bar>

(i386) 2.4.1
Using </usr/local> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
2 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

Installing PARTHENON CAD System as <PARthenon>

## Installing part 1 of 1.
[ verifying class <none> ]

Installation of <PARthenon> was successful.
/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d pcd-XILINX-lca-1.0-SunOS-5.x
# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d pcd-NEC-cmos9-1.0-SunOS-5.x
Installation of <PCDcmos9> was successful.

The installation task is done if the pkgadd(1M) successfully exits (it may take a few minutes). You can make sure the packages are installed by using pkginfo(1) with the abbreviation of each package name as an argument in the following manner:

# /usr/bin/pkginfo PARthenon
cad PARthenon PARTHENON CAD system
# /usr/bin/pkginfo PCDlca
cad PCDlca ALT/lca technology library for PARTHENON
# /usr/bin/pkginfo PCDcmos9
cad PCDcmos9 NEC/cmos9 technology library for PARTHENON

The decompressed files are no longer needed and can be removed.

3. Setup for using PARTHENON

All files of PARTHENON are installed under the directory:


PARTHENON users must setup their search path in the following manner (note#2):

(for Borne shell users)
# PATH=/usr/local/parthenon/com; export PATH
(for C shell users)
% set path = (/usr/local/parthenon/com $path); rehash

You don't have to set the environmental variable PARTHENON (note#2), unlike the previous version of PARTHENON. If you must set the variable due to some reasons, set the appropriate value in the following manner:

(for Borne shell users)
# PARTHENON=/usr/local/parthenon; export PARTHENON
(for C shell users)
% setenv PARTHENON /usr/local/parthenon

Now you can use PARTHENON.

4. Update password file (only when license expired)

The downloaded file contains the license which expires at the date noted in the table, so the installed PARTHENON is valid to use up to the date. When the expiration date has come, you need to update the password file in the following manner.

First, prepare the password file named parthe.non.

Then become super-user and copy the file to /usr/local/parthenon/com/parthe.non (note#2):

# su -
Password: (enter the super-user's password)
# /usr/bin/install -m 644 parthe.non /usr/local/parthenon/com/parthe.non

Now the password file is updated and you can continue to use PARTHENON.

5. Uninstall

If you need to delete the installed PARTHENON, all you have to do is to delete all PARTHENON's packages you installed. To delete a Solaris SVR4 package, become super-user and use pkgrm(1M) with the package abbreviated name as an argument.

# su -
(enter the super-user's password)
# /usr/sbin/pkgrm -n PARthenon
# /usr/sbin/pkgrm -n PCDlca
# /usr/sbin/pkgrm -n PCDcmos9

Now PARTHENON is completely uninstalled from your system.

6. Notes

Note#1 Solaris versions

You can identify the version of your Solaris system by using uname(1) in the following manner:

# /usr/bin/uname -r

Try the package for SunOS 5.6 if your system is older than 5.6, though we cannot promise to support the older systems.

Note#2 changing install destination

If you need to install PARTHENON in the directory other than the default (/usr/local/prathenon), the following steps will enable you to change the installation prefix (/usr/local) to your favorite. The steps exemplify the case of installing PARTHENON in /somewhere/parthenon.

First, copy the administrative file (see admin(4) for details) to anywhere (e.g., /tmp) with any name (e.g., admin):

# cp /var/sadm/install/admin/default /tmp/admin

The copied administrative file includes the line "basedir=default", so replace it with "basedir=installation prefix":

# (edit /tmp/admin to replace the line "basedir=default" with "basedir=/somewhere")

Then follow the above-noted installation steps, giving pkgadd(1M) the -a option with the name of copied administrative file as its argument:

# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -a /tmp/admin -d parthenon-2.4.1-sparc-SunOS-5.8
# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -a /tmp/admin -d
# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -a /tmp/admin -d

After the installtion the copied administrative file is no longer needed and can be removed.

Please note the following when you change the installation prefix:

  1. You can only change the prefix, and you cannot change the last part (i.e., /parthenon) of the directory.
  2. When using PARTHENON, you need to add /somewhere/parthenon/com to the search path instead of /usr/local/parthenon/com.
  3. When using PARTHENON, you need to set the environmental variable PARTHENON with the value of /somewhere/parthenon.
  4. The password file is installed as /somewhere/parthenon/com/parthe.non, so a new password file must be copied there upon license update instead of /usr/local/parthenon/com/parthe.non.
  5. Upon additional cell library installation you must specify the same prefix as you've specified upon the initial installation.

You can identify what prefix you've specified upon initial installation by using pkginfo(1) in the following manner:

# /usr/bin/pkginfo -r PARthenon
<-this value

Alternatively, if you've done setup for using PARTHENON, the following command also informs you the prefix:

# parthenon_which -p

Note#3 installation by users without super-user's privilege

Sorry , but the packages here do not support installation by users who cannot become super-user.

Note#4 when your system does not have GNU zip software

Solaris systems older than SunOS 5.8 do not have by default the GNU zip software, which is essential to decompress the compressed packages here. If your system is without GNU zip, please prepare it similar to the following manner:

  1. If you have another system with GNU zip, decompress the compressed package at the system.
  2. Get the binary package of GNU zip from any site, say, and install it to your system.
  3. Get the source of GNU zip from any site, say, and install it to your system.

Note#5 sparc binaries

Currently all the packages for sparc platforms are compiled for the 32-bit sparc Instruction Set Architecture. Support for the 64-bit sparcv9 ISA is not scheduled.

Note#6 downloading gzip-compressed files

Your browser may have been setup for hyperlinks to .gz files not to download but to decompress&browse them. In this case please do appropriate operation to save the linked file other than simply clicking them. Consult your browser's manual for details.
Though you have saved the linked file, your browser may automatically decompress the downloaded file, according to your system's environment. Please check whether the downloaded file has been already decompressed or not, by referring "file size" entries in the above tables, or by using file(1) command.

Note#7 GATEFIELD's libraries

Both GF100K and GF250F libraries assume the p_reset terminal to be negative (i.e., active-low).

7. Feedback

Any comments are welcome to be sent to here.

More information about PARTHENON
