Hiroaki GOMI
五味 裕章
NTT コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所
e-mail: hiroaki.gomi [at] ntt.com
〒243-0198 神奈川県厚木市森の里若宮 3-1
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タスク獲得 など
Takamuku S, Arslanova I, Gomi H, Haggard P (2024) Multi-digit touch II: perceptual weighting during integration follows a leading-finger priority. J Neurophysiol.
Takamuku S, Struckova B, Bancroft MJ, Gomi H, Haggard P, Kaski D (2024) Inverse relation between motion perception and postural responses induced by motion of a touched object. Commun Biol 7:1395.
Kubota S, Sasaki C, Kikuta S, Yoshida J, Ito S, Gomi H, Oya T, Seki K (2024) Modulation of somatosensory signal transmission in the primate cuneate nucleus during voluntary hand movement. Cell Reports:113884.
Ito S, Gomi H (2024) Modulations of stretch reflex by altering visuomotor contexts. Front Hum Neurosci 18:1336629.
Cataldo A, Crivelli D, Bottini G, Gomi H, Haggard P (2024) Active self-touch restores bodily proprioceptive spatial awareness following disruption by ‘rubber hand illusion’. Proc R Soc B 291:20231753.
Nakamura D, Gomi H (2023) Decoding self-motion from visual image sequence predicts distinctive features of reflexive motor responses to visual motion. Neural Networks 162:516–530.
Abekawa N, Doya K, Gomi H (2022) Body and visual instabilities functionally modulate implicit reaching corrections. iScience:105751.
Kong G, Cataldo A, Nitu M, Dupin L, Gomi H, Haggard P (2022) Interhemispheric communication during haptic self-perception. Proc R Soc B 289:20221977.
Ito S, Kimura T, Gomi H (2022) Attribution of sensory prediction error to perception of muscle fatigue. Sci Rep 12:16708.
Arslanova I, Takamuku S, Gomi H, Haggard P (2022) Multidigit tactile perception I: motion integration benefits for tactile trajectories presented bimanually. Journal of Neurophysiology 128:418–433.
De Havas J, Ito S, Bestmann S, Gomi H (2022) Neural dynamics of illusory tactile pulling sensations. iScience 25:105018.
Abekawa N, Ito S, Gomi H (2022) Gaze-specific motor memories for hand-reaching. Current Biology:S0960982222007011.
Cataldo A, Dupin L, Dempsey-Jones H, Gomi H, Haggard P. (2022) Interplay of tactile and motor information in constructing spatial self-perception. Current Biology S0960982222001099.
De Havas J, Haggard P, Gomi H, Bestmann S, Ikegaya Y, Hagura N (2022) Evidence that endpoint feedback facilitates intermanual transfer of visuomotor force learning by a cognitive strategy. Journal of Neurophysiology 127:16-26.
Takamuku S, Gomi H. (2021) Vision-based speedometer regulates human walking. iScience 24:103390.
Friston K, Moran RJ, Nagai Y, Taniguchi T, Gomi H, Tenenbaum J (2021) World model learning and inference. Neural Networks 144:573–590.
Macpherson T, Matsumoto M, Gomi H, Morimoto J, Uchibe E, Hikida T (2021) Parallel and hierarchical neural mechanisms for adaptive and predictive behavioral control. Neural Networks 144:507–521.
Abekawa N, Gomi H, Diedrichsen J (2021) Gaze control during reaching is flexibly modulated to optimize task outcome. Journal of Neurophysiology 126:816-826.
Cataldo A, Dupin L, Gomi H, Haggard P (2021) Sensorimotor signals underlying space perception: an investigation based on self-touch. Neuropsychologia 151:107729.
Takamuku S, Ohta H, Kanai C, Hamilton AF de C, Gomi H (2021) Seeing motion of controlled object improves grip timing in adults with autism spectrum condition: evidence for use of inverse dynamics in motor control. Experimental Brain Research 239:1047-1059.
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