
Journal Papers

  1. Takamuku S, Arslanova I, Gomi H, Haggard P (2024) Multi-digit touch II: perceptual weighting during integration follows a leading-finger priority. J Neurophysiol.
  2. Takamuku S, Struckova B, Bancroft MJ, Gomi H, Haggard P, Kaski D (2024) Inverse relation between motion perception and postural responses induced by motion of a touched object. Commun Biol 7:1395.
  3. Kubota S, Sasaki C, Kikuta S, Yoshida J, Ito S, Gomi H, Oya T, Seki K (2024) Modulation of somatosensory signal transmission in the primate cuneate nucleus during voluntary hand movement. Cell Reports:113884.
  4. Ito S, Gomi H (2024) Modulations of stretch reflex by altering visuomotor contexts. Front Hum Neurosci 18:1336629.
  5. Cataldo A, Crivelli D, Bottini G, Gomi H, Haggard P (2024) Active self-touch restores bodily proprioceptive spatial awareness following disruption by ‘rubber hand illusion’. Proc R Soc B 291:20231753.
  6. Nakamura D, Gomi H (2023) Decoding self-motion from visual image sequence predicts distinctive features of reflexive motor responses to visual motion. Neural Networks 162:516–530.
  7. Abekawa N, Doya K, Gomi H (2022) Body and visual instabilities functionally modulate implicit reaching corrections. iScience:105751.
  8. Kong G, Cataldo A, Nitu M, Dupin L, Gomi H, Haggard P (2022) Interhemispheric communication during haptic self-perception. Proc R Soc B 289:20221977.
  9. Ito S, Kimura T, Gomi H (2022) Attribution of sensory prediction error to perception of muscle fatigue. Sci Rep 12:16708.
  10. Arslanova I, Takamuku S, Gomi H, Haggard P (2022) Multidigit tactile perception I: motion integration benefits for tactile trajectories presented bimanually. Journal of Neurophysiology 128:418–433.
  11. De Havas J, Ito S, Bestmann S, Gomi H (2022) Neural dynamics of illusory tactile pulling sensations. iScience 25:105018.
  12. Abekawa N, Ito S, Gomi H (2022) Gaze-specific motor memories for hand-reaching. Current Biology:S0960982222007011.
  13. Cataldo A, Dupin L, Dempsey-Jones H, Gomi H, Haggard P. (2022) Interplay of tactile and motor information in constructing spatial self-perception. Current Biology S0960982222001099.
  14. De Havas J, Haggard P, Gomi H, Bestmann S, Ikegaya Y, Hagura N (2022) Evidence that endpoint feedback facilitates intermanual transfer of visuomotor force learning by a cognitive strategy. Journal of Neurophysiology 127:16-26.
  15. Takamuku S, Gomi H. (2021) Vision-based speedometer regulates human walking. iScience 24:103390.
  16. Friston K, Moran RJ, Nagai Y, Taniguchi T, Gomi H, Tenenbaum J (2021) World model learning and inference. Neural Networks 144:573–590.
  17. Macpherson T, Matsumoto M, Gomi H, Morimoto J, Uchibe E, Hikida T (2021) Parallel and hierarchical neural mechanisms for adaptive and predictive behavioral control. Neural Networks 144:507–521.
  18. Abekawa N, Gomi H, Diedrichsen J (2021) Gaze control during reaching is flexibly modulated to optimize task outcome. Journal of Neurophysiology 126:816-826.
  19. Cataldo A, Dupin L, Gomi H, Haggard P (2021) Sensorimotor signals underlying space perception: an investigation based on self-touch. Neuropsychologia 151:107729.
  20. Takamuku S, Ohta H, Kanai C, Hamilton AF de C, Gomi H (2021) Seeing motion of controlled object improves grip timing in adults with autism spectrum condition: evidence for use of inverse dynamics in motor control. Experimental Brain Research 239:1047-1059.
  21. Arslanova I, Wang K, Gomi H, Haggard P (2020) Somatosensory evoked potentials that index lateral inhibition are modulated according to the mode of perceptual processing: comparing or combining multi-digit tactile motion. Cognitive Neuroscience:1-14.
  22. De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H (2020) On Stopping Voluntary Muscle Relaxations and Contractions: Evidence for Shared Control Mechanisms and Muscle State-Specific Active Breaking. The Journal of Neuroscience 40:6035-6048.
  23. Ito S, Gomi H (2020) Visually-updated hand state estimates modulate the proprioceptive reflex independently of motor task requirements Cressman E, Gold JI, Cressman E, eds. eLife 9:e52380.
  24. Takamuku S, Gomi H (2019) Better grip force control by attending to the controlled object: Evidence for direct force estimation from visual motion. Scientific Reports 9:13114.
  25. Ueda H, Abekawa N, Ito S, Gomi H (2019) Distinct temporal developments of visual motion and position representations for multi-stream visuomotor coordination. Scientific Reports 9 Available at: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-48535-0
  26. Takamuku S, Forbes PAG, Hamilton AFC, Gomi H (2018) Typical use of inverse dynamics in perceiving motion in autistic adults: Exploring computational principles of perception and action. Autism Res 11:1062-1075.
  27. De Havas J, Ito S, Haggard P, Gomi H (2018) Low gain servo control during the Kohnstamm phenomenon reveals dissociation between low-level control mechanisms for involuntary versus voluntary arm movements. Front Behav Neurosci 12 Available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00113/full
  28. Abekawa N, Ferre ER, Gallagher M, Gomi H, Haggard P (2018) Disentangling the visual, motor and representational effects of vestibular input. Cortex 104:46?57.
  29. Ueda H, Abekawa N, Gomi H (2018) The faster you decide, the more accurate localization is possible: Position representation of "curveball illusion" in perception and eye movements D. L. Ringach, ed. PLOS ONE 13:e0201610.
  30. Amemiya T, Beck B, Walsh V, Gomi H, Haggard P (2017) Visual area V5/hMT+ contributes to perception of tactile motion direction: a TMS study. Scientific Reports 7:40937.
  31. De Havas J, Gomi H, Haggard P (2017) Experimental investigations of control principles of involuntary movement: a comprehensive review of the Kohnstamm phenomenon. Experimental Brain Research, 2017 Jul;235(7):1953-1997. doi: 10.1007/s00221-017-4950-3
  32. Sakurada T, Ito K, Gomi H (2016) Bimanual motor coordination controlled by cooperative interactions in intrinsic and extrinsic coordinates. Eur J Neurosci 43:120-130.
  33. De Havas J, Ghosh A, Gomi H, Haggard P (2016) Voluntary motor commands reveal awareness and control of involuntary movement. Cognition 155:155?167.
  34. Amemiya T, Gomi H (2016) Active Manual Movement Improves Directional Perception of Illusory Force. IEEE Transactions on Haptics 9:465-473.
  35. 高椋 慎也, 雨宮 智浩, 伊藤 翔, 五味 裕章 (2016) 魚釣りにおける牽引力錯覚の表現と応用. ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 18:87‐94.
  36. Abekawa N, Gomi H (2015) Online gain update for manual following response accompanied by gaze shift during arm reaching. Journal of neurophysiology 113:1206-1216.
  37. Kuehn E, De Havas J, Silkoset E, Gomi H, Haggard P (2015) On the bimanual integration of proprioceptive information. Experimental brain research 233:1273-1288.
  38. De Havas J, Ghosh A, Gomi H, Haggard P (2015) Sensorimotor organization of a sustained involuntary movement. Front Behav Neurosci 9:185.
  39. Takamuku S, Gomi H (2015) What you feel is what you see: inverse dynamics estimation underlies the resistive sensation of a delayed cursor. Proceedings Biological sciences / The Royal Society 282.
  40. Abekawa N, Inui T, Gomi H (2014) Eye-hand coordination in on-line visuomotor adjustments. Neuroreport 25:441-445.
  41. 雨宮智浩, 五味裕章 (2014) 牽引方向知覚における能動的探索の有効性を活用した屋内歩行ナビゲーションシステムの開発. 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J97-D:260-269.
  42. Amemiya T, Gomi H (2014) Distinct Pseudo-Attraction Force Sensation by a Thumb-Sized Vibrator that Oscillates Asymmetrically. In: Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications, vol. 8619 (Auvray, M., ed), pp 88-95: Springer
  43. Gomi H, Sakurada T, Fukui T (2014) Lack of motor prediction, rather than perceptual conflict, evokes an odd sensation upon stepping onto a stopped escalator. Front Behav Neurosci 8:77.
  44. Gomi H, Abekawa N, Shimojo S (2013) The hand sees visual periphery better than the eye: motor-dependent visual motion analyses. The Journal of Neuroscience 33:16502-16509.
  45. Mochida T, Kimura T, Hiroya S, Kitagawa N, Gomi H, Kondo T (2013) Speech misperception: speaking and seeing interfere differently with hearing. PloS one 8:e68619.
  46. Amemiya T, Gomi H (2013) Directional Torque Perception with Brief and Asymmetric Angular Momentum Change. IEEE Transactions on Haptics 6:370-375.
  47. Saijo N, Gomi H (2012) Effect of visuomotor-map uncertainty on visuomotor adaptation. J Neurophysiol 107:1576-1585.
  48. Fukui T, Gomi H (2012) Action evaluation is modulated dominantly by internal sensorimotor information and partly by noncausal external cue. PLoS ONE 7:e34985.
  49. Fuentes CT, Gomi H, Haggard P (2012) Temporal features of human tendon vibration illusions. European Journal of Neuroscience 36:3709-3717.
  50. Kadota K, Gomi H (2010) Implicit visuomotor processing for quick online reactions is robust against aging. J Neurosci 30:205-209.
  51. Saijo, N., and Gomi, H. (2010). Multiple motor learning strategies in visuomotor rotation. PLoS ONE 5, e9399.
  52. Abekawa N, Gomi H (2010) Spatial coincidence of intentional actions modulates an implicit visuomotor control. J Neurophysiol 103:2717-2727.
  53. Mochida T, Gomi H, Kashino M (2010) Rapid change in articulatory lip movement induced by preceding auditory feedback during production of bilabial plosives. PLoS One 5:e13866.
  54. 西條直樹, 五味裕章 (2009) 手先回転変換の変化に応じた腕到達運動の学習戦略. 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J92-D:552-561.
  55. Amano K, Kimura T, Nishida S, Takeda T, Gomi H (2009) Close similarity between spatiotemporal frequency tunings of human cortical responses and involuntary manual following responses to visual motion. J Neurophysiol 101:888-897.
  56. Fukui T, Kimura T, Kadota K, Shimojo S, Gomi H (2009) Odd Sensation Induced by Moving-Phantom which Triggers Subconscious Motor Program. PLoS ONE 4:e5782.
  57. Longo MR, Kammers MPM, Gomi H, Tsakiris M, Haggard P (2009) Contraction of body representation induced by proprioceptive conflict. Current Biology 19:R727-728.
  58. Kimura T, Gomi H (2009) Temporal development of anticipatory reflex modulation to dynamical interactions during arm movement. J Neurophysiol 102:2220-2231.
  59. 櫻田武, 五味裕章, 伊藤宏司 (2008) 体性感覚情報は左右指協調運動に影響を与える. 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J91-D:2382-2393.
  60. Gomi H (2008) Implicit online corrections of reaching movements. Current Opinion In Neurobiology 18: 558-564.
  61. Kim K, Gomi H (2007) Model-based investigation of control and dynamics in human articulatory motion. Journal of System Design and Dynamics 1:558-569.
  62. 金 岡秀, 五味 裕章,逆動力学的手法による人間調音運動の制御,日本機械学会論文集(C編)73(733), pp.111-118,2007
  63. Ito T, Gomi H (2007) Cutaneous mechanoreceptors contribute to the generation of a cortical reflex in speech. Neuroreport 18:907-910.
  64. Gomi H, Nozoe J, Dang J, Honda K (2006) A physiologically based model of perioral dynamics for various lip deformations in speech articulation. In: Speech Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques (Harrington J, Tabain M, eds), pp 119-134: Psychology Press.
  65. Deng M, Saijo N, Gomi H, Inoue A (2006) A Robust Real Time Method for Estimating Human Multijoint Arm Viscoelasticity. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information & Control 2:705-721.
  66. Kimura T, Haggard P, Gomi H (2006) Transcranial magnetic stimulation over sensorimotor cortex disrupts anticipatory reflex gain modulation for skilled action. J Neurosci 26:9272-9281.
  67. Gomi H, Abekawa N, Nishida S (2006) Spatiotemporal tuning of rapid interactions between visual-motion analysis and reaching movement. J Neurosci 26:5301-5308.
  68. 西條直樹, 五味裕章 (2005) 視野の動きに誘発される短潜時追従性腕応答の視覚 -運動座標変換. 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J88-D-II:934-942.
  69. 野添潤一, 五味裕章, 党建武, 本多清志 (2005) リアルな発話運動を実現する生理学的口唇力学モデルの構築. 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J88-D-II:1944-1953.
  70. Saijo N, Murakami I, Nishida S, Gomi H (2005) Large-field visual motion directly induces an involuntary rapid manual following response. J Neurosci 25:4941-4951.
  71. Ito T, Kimura T, Gomi H (2005) The motor cortex is involved in reflexive compensatory adjustment of speech articulation. Neuroreport 16:1791-1794.
  72. Ito T, Murano EZ, Gomi H (2004) Fast force-generation dynamics of human articulatory muscles. J Appl Physiol 96:2318-2324; discussion 2317.
  73. Ito T, Gomi H, Honda M (2004) Dynamical simulation of speech cooperative articulation by muscle linkages. Biol Cybern 91:275-282.
  74. Gomi, H., Ito, T., Murano, E. Z., & Honda, M. (2002). Compensatory articulation during bilabial fricative production by regulating muscle stiffness. Journal of Phonetics. 30(3), 261‐279
  75. 伊藤貴之,五味裕章,誉田雅彰 (2003) 発声運動に応じた筋スティフネスによる上唇顎の協調メカニズム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II vol.J86-D-II,no.2,333-341
  76. Deng M., 五味裕章 (2003) 運動中の多関節人腕粘弾性のロバスト推定法,計測自動制御学会論文集,Vol.39, No.6, 537-543
  77. Ito, T, Gomi, H., Honda, M. (2003) Articulatory coordination by muscle-linkage during bilabial utterance, Acoust. Sci. & Tech.Accoustical letter, 24(6):391-393
  78. Deng, M., Inoue, A., Gomi, H., & Hirashima, Y. (2003). Recursive filter design for estimating time varying multijoint human arm viscoelasticity. International Journal of Computers, Systems and Signals, 4(2).
  79. 五味裕章 (2001) 力制御中の筋活動優先方向を用いた最適規範モデルの評価, 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-2, Vol.J84-D-II, No.4, pp.728-736
  80. Takemura, A., Inoue, Y., Gomi, H., Kawato, M., & Kawano, K. (2001). Change in neuronal firing patterns in the process of motor command generation for the ocular following responses. Jounal of Neurophysiology, 86, 1750-1763.
  81. Osu, R., & Gomi, H. (1999). Multi-joint muscle regulation mechanisms examined by measured human-arm stiffness and EMG signals. J. Neurophysiol., 81, 1458-1468.
  82. Nakano, E., Imamizu, H., Osu, R., Uno, Y., Gomi, H., Yoshioka, T., & Kawato, M. (1999). Quantitative examinations of internal representations for arm trajectory planning: minimum commanded torque change model. J. Neurophysiol., 81, 2140-2155.
  83. Gomi, H., Shidara, M., Takemura, A., Inoue, Y., Kawano, K., & Kawato, M. (1998). Temporal firing patterns of purkinje cells in the cerebellar ventral paraflocculus during ocular following responses in monkeys I. simple spikes. Journal of Neurophysiology, 80, 818-831.
  84. Kobayashi, Y., Kawano, K., Takemura, A., Inoue, Y., Kitama, T., Gomi, H., & Kawato, M. (1998). Temporal firing patterns of purkinje cells in the cerebellar ventral paraflocculus during ocular following responses in monkeys II. complex spikes. Journal of Neurophysiology, 80, 832-848.
  85. Gomi, H., & Osu, R. (1998). Task-dependent viscoelasticity of human multijoint arm and its spatial characteristics for interaction with environments. The Journal of Neuroscience. 18(21), 8965-8978
  86. 中野恵理, 今水寛, 大須理英子, 宇野洋二, 五味裕章, 吉岡利福, & 川人光男 (1998). 多関節到達運動における軌道計画規範の定量的検討 -弾性トルク変化最小モデル-. 電子情報通信学会論文誌, J81-D-2(7), 1666-1678.
  87. Gomi, H., & Kawato, M. (1997). Human arm stiffness and equilibrium-point trajectory during multi-joint movement. Biological Cybernetics, 76, 163-171.
  88. 五味裕章 & 川人光男 (1996). 水平面における多関節運動中の人腕機械インピーダンスの計測. 計測自動制御学会論文集, 32(3), 369-378.
  89. Miyamoto, H., Schaal, S., Gandolfo, F., Gomi, H., Koike, Y., Osu, R., Nakano, E., Wada, Y., & Kawato, M. (1996). A kendama learning robot based on bi-directional theory. Neural Networks, 9(8), 1281-1302.
  90. Kawano K, Shidara M, Takemura A, Inoue Y, Gomi H, Kawato M (1996) Inverse-dynamics representation of eye movements by cerebellar Purkinje cell activity during short-latency ocular-following responses. Ann N Y Acad Sci 781:314-321.
  91. Gomi, H., & Kawato, M. (1996). Equilibrium-point control hypothesis examined by measured arm-stiffness during multi-joint movement. Science, 272, 117-120.
  92. Gomi, H., & Kawato, M. (1993). Recognition of manipulated objects by motor learning with modular architecture networks. Neural Networks, 6(4), 485-497.
  93. Gomi, H., & Kawato, M. (1993). Neural network control for a closed-loop system using feedback-error-learning. Neural Networks, 6(7), 933-946.
  94. Shidara, M., Kawano, K., Gomi, H., & Kawato, M. (1993). Inverse dynamics model eye movement control by Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Nature,365(2),50-52.
  95. 小池, 本多, 平山, 五味, Bateson, E. V., & 川人 (1993). 神経回路モデルを用いた表面筋電信号からの等尺性トルクの推定. 電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II, J76-D-II(6), 1270-1279.
  96. Kawato, M., & Gomi, H. (1992). The cerebellum and VOR/OKR Learning Models. Trends in Neurosciences, 15(11), 445-453.
  97. Kawato, M., & Gomi, H. (1992). A computational model of four regions of the cerebellum based on feedback-error learning. Biological Cybernetics, 68/2. 95-103
  98. Gomi, H., & Kawato, M. (1992). Adaptive feedback control models of the vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. Biological Cybernetics, 68/2, 105-114.
  99. 五味裕章 & 川人光男(1991). フィードバック誤差学習による閉ループシステムの学習制御. システム制御情報学会論文誌, 4(1), 37-47.